Project Synopsis
The County Bounty is an artisanal Canadian soda company that came to our class looking for a complete rebranding of its logo and soda can packaging, updating the current visual system with minimalistic visuals. They describe themselves as funky, friendly, dynamic and fun.
Mockups by pmvchamara
Logo Components
Logo Variations

Mockup by CosmoStudio

Process Work
1. Research
The client visited our class and introduced us to the history of her company. The client stressed the importance of updating current visuals to something minimalistic and modern as she wants to stand out from her competition. Her competition primarily uses serif typography, and painterly and farm imagery. After the meeting, I used the information to create two personas. One to embody the characteristics our client used to describe her company and a second to embody the ideal of the consumer of her brand.
2. Symbol Ideation
I started ideation by sketching out the first concepts that came into mind right after the client meeting. Afterwards,  I wrote down all the adjectives used by the client to describe their company and compiled them into a grid. I created rough symbol concepts by combining the list of adjectives and rough symbols.

After several iterations, refined my strongest concepts by combining them with other adjectives. In the end, I zeroed in on my final symbol by combining the ideas of community, organic, and growth.
3. Packaging Imagery
I used the finalized symbol as a point of reference when creating visuals for the can packaging. I focused on making imagery as dynamic as the logo and maintained a bright colour palette to meet the client's desire to appear fun and friendly to customers. Vector illustrations were chosen to maintain a clean, modern aesthetic.

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